Thursday, March 24, 2011

One Deep Breath for My Inner Team

I shall not self destruct
I shall pick myself up straighten my pretty skirt and soar
Better still I shall stay in touch with my Father
He knows this path, He knows how I will get there

I shall learn where I won't need to follow
I shall brave the path I tend to think I shouldn't follow
better still my Father grants His wisdom
He who made me, owns this life I lead

so I write as I realise
that am not done undergoing training in that area
but He watches over me so am good to go..
always have been even when I didn't know it...
now to buckle up a bit tighter
and to work a litul smarter wit each and every step...

wow, um, *one deep breath for my inner team*

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

I Rise

This morning, I think about life
and I embrace my journey, a journey I alone can take...
n I make a conscious choice to live my own life, n live it like only I can...

I accept my takes and mistakes coz I made them..
I accept my strengths and flaws for I know how I live with them...

and I acknowledge His purpose in my living and breathing...
and keep in mind that all glory and all honour be unto He that formed me
He whose greatness exceeds human understanding....

and He calls me His child...
so I rise....

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Simply, I will break away...

You torment my being,
as you defy sweet absolutes
You and I gotten into replay over and over,
each turn somewhat revamped
I on and on, frustrated that you won't be gone from me
but dawn comes, when darling,
simply, I will break away...

Grow my baby Grow

I do wonder where to begin
as I talk about my baby
as I reach out to life
to make clear what it's all about

See, 'been blessed to nurse my babies
some strengthened their wings and flew
some right under my wing
but right now, I speak of one baby

He walked in with this mystery
I fought hard cause in history
nothing quite like it came up
nothing that brought more ambiguity

So we walked with my baby
passed time with my baby
to baby or was he my baby
too troublesome be my baby

So as I write and speak in oblivion
my baby? or, my baby?
I speak peace into his life
I speak direction into his life
I speak God's presence in his life
and as each page unfolds, all I'll say
is grow my baby grow!!!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

It's funny how it all seems new

So today I just had to get it written
It's funny how it all seems new
When it's been a reality in our generation and that before us
Two days now it's sunk in deep
who knew that life lessons could easily fade

As you go about making the right decisions
It's funny how it all seems new
That over the years as you curve out your path
You could distance yourself from certain lessons
After all you wouldn't stumble upon it
It's on a road you choose not to take

Your lifestyle shapes your cares
ain't it funny how it all seems new
We talk about broken hearts and betrayal
We worry about what it does to how we feel
But could we really forget one lesson
One lesson that could shape one care

So I sit and amuse and amaze
it is funny how it all seems new
A single roam a crowded bed
A crowded bed a well of possibilities
Possibility of an irreversible journey

Funny however lies not in the irreversible journey
in my amazement that it all seems new
We choose what we bother to choose
We ignore what we are not bothered ignoring
Yet we live in a world where it is all played out

I earnestly pray for a solution to be found
I thank our good Lord when it does not come our way
I thank Him more because there is more to life regardless
however, today....
I amaze at how it is so easy to forget
I amaze at how it all seems new...